* Özlem Tuđfe Demir received the Best Thesis Award presented by the METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, for her MS Thesis “Optimization Techniques For Nonconvex Problems and Optimum Transmit Beamformer Design”, 2015.

*IEEE Best Student Paper Award is received by Özlem Tuđfe Demir for her paper

Özlem Tuđfe Demir, T. Engin Tuncer, “Discrete Relay Beamforming for Broadcasting with Relay Selection

 in IEEE 23th Signal Processing and Communications Conference, May 16-19, 2015, Malatya, TURKEY.

*Three papers from SAM Laboratory are accepted for presentation in EUSIPCO-2015 in Nice, France.

*Three papers from SAM Laboratory are accepted for presentation in ICASSP-2015 in Brisbane, Australia.

*The alpha version of a phased array radar antenna design is finished. Aug. 2012. The following video is a simulation of the beam positioning.

The demo for the acoustic radar prototype is done. November 2012.